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With these crazy hot temperatures we been dealing with this summer I thought it would be good to give a few suggestions about hydration. I know there still isn’t a lot of organized races or events currently but hopefully you are getting out and doing 

Avoid The Thanksgiving Food Coma

Avoid The Thanksgiving Food Coma

Thanksgiving is just a few days away and I know many of my clients are concerned about a Thanksgiving setback. My daughter started a countdown to stuffing! If you are like her and love all those amazing high calorie traditional foods here are a few 

Virtual Workouts

Virtual Workouts

Triwellness now adding virtual workouts! Having a hard time staying motivated? Don’t want to expose yourself at the gym? Need some guidance for some at home workouts or nutrition advice? Just plain frustrated and struggling with the limitations and consequences of quarantine? Try a virtual workout!

Trust me, I was slightly skeptical about how it would look to train my clients through a Zoom session but it has really been going great. My clients are keeping up with their physical activity and it really seems to helping them. Some are even doing more virtual than they did in person! Please contact me to get started. You won’t regret it.

Summer Gardening/Fall Clean Up

Summer Gardening/Fall Clean Up

Now that’s cooling down a bit it’s a great time to get outside and finish up (or start in some cases) that summer gardening. I love planting flowers and weeding garden beds, anything to make my yard look better! I also love burning calories while 

June Challenge-Berry Easy!

June Challenge-Berry Easy!

This month I want to challenge you to eat 3-5 servings of fruit everyday.  Most people do not get enough fruit intake daily and many are worried about the sugar content.  If you eat the whole fruit (not fruit juice!) it typically has little effect 

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenges are all the rage right now and for good reason!  The idea of doing something for 30 days is not too overwhelming.  Setting a goal everyday for one month is the perfect challenge, not too easy but definitely attainable.  The best thing about these challenges is that one month of continuous behavior should really become a habit.  If you’ve become disciplined to an activity everyday eventually it becomes more of a routine instead of a task to do.  I’ve found that my clients who experience success on a smaller scale tend to want to build on that and continue to create new goals to add on to already positive habits.

So here is your 30 day challenge for March.  If you own a Fitbit or something equivalent I want you to get in at LEAST 10,000 steps each day for the entire month.  If you are currently getting in approximately 10,000 steps I want you to up it to 12,000.  Where ever you are currently increase your movement!  If you do not own a FitBit you can set a goal of walking everyday for 20 or 30 mins.  You get the idea.  I just want you to start with more movement everyday!  Please let me know how you are doing.  Some of my clients send me a screen shot of their watch every night so I can see that they are staying on target.  This does really seem to help with the accountability.


Good luck-you can do it! I Promise you are going to feel great at the end of the month.

Workout Equipment for Home

Workout Equipment for Home

Clients are always asking me what the best equipment for home is so I thought I would talk about some of my recommendations.  Most people do not have a huge space to workout in at home so the suggestions I am making here are for 

New Year New You!

New Year New You!

With my newly found motivation I dusted off my spin shoes and got my butt to a new class at B/Spoke in Wellesley.  After too many holiday celebrations and snow days I was really feeling the need for something new and different.  I rounded up 

The Holiday Party Circuit

The Holiday Party Circuit

Thought I’d give you a few tips for surviving the holiday party circuit.  You can’t avoid it.  Every year you end up attending numerous holiday parties.  If it were just one party that would be easy to manage but it feels to me like a never ending get together with friends and family where I’m eating and drinking things I otherwise would avoid most the year.  I don’t think you need to stay home and be a scrooge so I’m going to give you some advice on how to embrace this festive time of the year, enjoy your loved ones AND stay as healthy as possible!


Let’s talk strategy on eating.  If you are going to a party and know there may not be a lot of good food choices eat first at home.  Make yourself something healthy or at the very least eat a healthy snack (fruit, veggies, hummus).  Then when you get to the party you won’t be very hungry and will avoid overeating and making poor choices.  Also a good idea to have some food in your stomach if you are going to have a drink!  If you can choose the best food option at these parties this will help significantly too.  Go for the shrimp cocktail over the wings, the veggies over the meatballs, or cheese and cracker over the spinach dip.  You get the idea.  Cutting out 300+ calories at each party adds up!


Next the drinking.  Oh the drinking.  Again you can choose one drink over another and cut out unwanted extra calories.  For example, avoid anything with mix in it.  Margaritas, Screwdriver, Bloody Mary, Sangria etc.  The mixes always have too much sugar, sodium or just excessive calories in them.  Go for the light beers instead of the craft beers with higher calories.  I know they taste way better so start with a craft beer and then switch to a light beer.  White wine vs Red wine?  White tends to have a little lower calorie count than Red but Red tends to contain more antioxidants.  Here’s my take on wine.  I like Red better and when drinking Red it’s hard for me to drink too much.  One or two glasses is plenty so if you know you won’t drink much stick with Red.  On the other hand I like to mix some seltzer water in a glass of White so you can stretch it out.  Have three or four and really you are only having two glasses if you mix half and half!  This leads to the most important thing to remember when drinking.  DRINKS LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER.  The best thing to do is start with a glass of water and then alternate with a glass after each drink.  This helps a ton to slow down your alcohol intake and keeps you from getting too dehydrated.  If I know I’m going to be enjoying some adult beverages that evening I try and drink extra water all day so I go into the evening super hydrated. I know all these things may sound insignificant but I promise they will help!


Tis the Season!  Enjoy and celebrate but try to think about better choices and plan ahead, you”ll feel so much better.



Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime

Working out with someone else has many benefits. My clients who have a supportive partner to exercise with seem to stay more consistent, get better results and really just enjoy exercise more. Knowing someone is waiting for you at the gym makes it way more